Saturday, July 25, 2009

cranberry snow

Cranberry snow is a favorite of mine. It is temptingly easy to make but requires some sort of snow, or extremely fine crushed ice. It seems strange to post this in July because of the nature of the ingredients, but frankly, at the moment, I can't actually think of anything else that I don't have to test first. I made this for the first time last Christmas, when it began to snow . At the time I was here in Connecticut and there were none of the usual issues with snow, like pollution and dirt. No, this snow was clean and fresh, so for a snack, I made cranberry snow. Here is the recipe:

Cranberry Snow
Slightly more ice than you think you want, I used a large bowl as one serving.
Cranberry juice. This can be a lot or a little, depending on how strong you want the snow.

Scoop the fresh (!) snow into a bowl. Pour in about 3 spoonfuls of cranberry juice, if the mixture is a very faint pink, add some more. If it is very dark, go and find more snow. Mix these together well, and serve before it melts.

This is a very simple and vague recipe, but never fails to please guests. Be warned: This uses up a surprising amount of juice if you make this for a party.

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